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Agricultural Ecology

Treating: Agricultural; Municipal; Industrial organic wastes

Agricultural activity’s inherent nature has the potential to negatively effect the environment. Agricultural activity incorporates the use of chemicals and organic materials, operation of tools and mechanical equipment, and the use of energy (heat, radiation, et al.).

During the latter half of the 20th century agriculture progressed in leaps and bounds. This development brought with it severe damage to the intrinsic value of nature and the environment.

The growing awareness all over the world of a need to protect the environment generated strict demands from agriculture.

NevaTeam holds a great respect for the environment and its protection. We believe that lasting agriculture will exist in places where the stable environment, intrinsic values of nature, and the scenery are protected.

This outlook is founded on two elements:

  1. A value-based approach to nature.
  2. An economic approach in which it is desirable (and not merely possible) to control advanced agricultural activity so that strict conformity with environmental protection engenders economic advantages.


NevaTeam’s consulting and planning activities incorporate a permanent consideration of environmental protection. NevaTeam views two areas as risk factors in carrying out agriculture:

  1. Activities inherent to agriculture: Integrated use of pesticides, soil conservation, controlled fertilization, release of gases, underground waste disposal, use of energy, and agricultural waste products (plant cuttings, plastic products, glass, wood, metals, wastes, and organic materials)
  2. Consequences external to the agricultural realm : soil erosion, above-ground water run-off carrying pollutants, releasing liquids and pollutants in the environment, releasing gases by inefficient use of energy, and generating an imbalance in nature (animals, pests, diseases, weeds, etc.)

NevaTeam, in every area of activity, strives to plan and monitor its actions in order to quantify the effects on the environment.  The aim is to minimize the negative influences and to enhance the beneficial effects to the environment and nature, while increasing the profitability and economic feasibility.

Byproducts into Resources

Agricultural activity can reuse potentially undesirable byproducts after they have been transformed into high-quality effective products.
NevaTeam is experienced in producing agricultural additives and organic compost from waste products, such as  agricultural sewage, solid and liquid animal wastes (manure and wastewater), crop refuse, and household organic wastes. This recycling is set up as a controlled industrial process with  high-level management and control tools.

Comprehensive Regional Solutions

During day-to-day agricultural activities there are various factors that could possibly cause a detrimental effect on the ecological balance in the agricultural environment.

NevaTeam strives to analyze and understand the potential effects of activities on the environment, and develop solutions for problems in which difficulties affect the regional agricultural activities, with the goal of reducing effects of these difficulties. 

Agricultural activity, at times, pollutes the same area that it takes place on or an adjacent area. Furthermore, agriculture uses products whose source is other agricultural by-products.

NevaTeam is active in channeling agrotechnical activities in ways to minimize pollution factors , such as fertilization based on the crop’s specific needs while minimizing release of pollutants, and dispersing organic additives for maximum benefit to the plant and minimum loss of nutrients underground.

Plant Protection: Integrated Pest Management (IPM) -intelligent selection and use of pest control actions